To you Woman
By Vincenzo Calafiore
26 April 2022 Udine
If you could somehow have - happiness - in you and be able to hold it back just the time necessary to smell its scent, its fragrances, which it releases into the air from its wings flying into our life, and we know that it lasts only a moment , just one minute!
Here, the question is: could there be anything more wonderful, more precious in the world?
But life, which is a vice life, does not give us the necessary time and forces us to seek it, desire it continuously, making it at the same time unattainable or worse still as if it were a - chimera -; in reality it is not so, happiness exists in us, left on the sidelines. Happiness is a butterfly and like a butterfly it alights on every flower it encounters.
It only lasts a minute…. For a minute …. then it vanishes together with what should have been our life, which we no longer have.
For a minute we forget the abyss we are crossing.
Thus he comes to our aid to brighten our existence: Love!
The love that we keep inside despite everything, which reaches everywhere from the eyes; love that becomes an alphabet and composing words we make thought, to be given as a gift to the person we love, as a trace for those who want or want to follow us.
Now I ask you, if you are able to put a face to happiness, are you able, could you give it a face? …. And don't draw me a flower or a heart, for heaven's sake!
But I would know and I am sure, that trying to put a face to happiness I would end up drawing the face of the woman I love, who lives in me, better or worse!
Happiness is feminine.
She has the face of a woman, happiness!
What vision do you have of the Woman?
If you think that the woman is "for a minute ... and then ..." or two legs wide open to welcome you, well ... you are really conceptually out of the most elementary dictates.
It is really a big mistake to consider and imagine it in this way; Woman is poetry, she is feeling, she is sacredness, she is your "Domus" (house), she is soul… Animos!
It is our lack of sublimity!
Yet it is still possible today, in this advanced millennium, to cause it pain, marginalization, to consider it a sexual object, but more and the worst thing is to use it and then throw it away like a crumpled sheet of paper.
If this feeling today is considered Love, then I won't have understood anything about love.
I cannot, nor could I ever consider it in a different way from mine.
It is also true to meet the wrong person, as they say, not suitable for character shape, but never do everything in a nutshell, however the Woman is to be taken into consideration, give her love to receive it, give her serenity to have her; I am more than convinced that if you really love the woman with whom you share your life, you will give her love so that you will receive it, but from here you get to kill and humiliate her certain that she wants it !!!!
I am a man who believes he knows how to love, and I will never know if mine is the right way, I believe in the goodness and love that you can always give me, I believe what better thing in a man's life can happen: having a woman that you love him!
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