mercoledì 24 dicembre 2014


In a few days  will repeat the most beautiful miracle of the world, celebrate the "Holy Christmas".
I have no gift I want to celebrate, but to have beside the "people", friends and children sitting around a table of modesty, without any exaggeration, to talk and laugh, to exchange and give us the gift of inner happiness.
There are the "people" those who love,  who are far away, those who are no longer with us, or forget those who have forgotten, which celebrate this event of love which is impossible to miss.
We hope that Christmas is so intimate and precious.Is 'important to go and  find Jesus in "his" house, also known as the temple, sit and listen to the silence because his voice is silent.
I will go into that church lost amid the frozen fields, inhabited by sparrows and speak to him as if you were talking with a friend, because he is a friend from the immense love.
We also think, to all those people who work in the stores that will come home very tired and without that air of Christmas. We think then the "Violence" that destroys, poisons the existence of so many people.
 the most terrible violence is that carried out on the woman, why what happens?
We wonder where it comes from this violence  this is a problem of conscience.
Talking about violence against women and children means to highlight this phenomenon. It 'a relationship between men and women has always been different that led men to discriminate against women.
It 'a terrible mechanism that forces women to be submissive.
This means perpetrating a massacre!
Violence causes physical harm, sexual or psychological, including threats, and the loss of personal freedom. Many researches we can say that violence in general takes on women and children in various ways.
We refer to domestic violence or between people who know each other, through threats, physical abuse, psychological abuse, sexual abuse,
The kids, the kids, but most girls are vittems incest. For example, women in the workplace are harassed and blackmailed
  In many countries, girls are victims of forced marriages, forced into sexual slavery, while others are forced into prostitution. Other forms of violence are female genital mutilation or other types of mutilation. As in the past when the bandages were made of the feet, the so-called "dowry death" (death due to dowry) .Other examples are: the use of acid.
  violence against women - in any way it is done is the power of men over women. Please note that when there is physical violence, there is also the psychological. In fact there is always a psychological violence before the physical violence. No one agrees to be beaten suddenly. Usually we are very much in love then we justify everything.
  There fore, it is particularly important to prevent all forms of psychological violence, this is the beginning of physics. Psychological violence is made of words or behavior repeated over time that can destroy the dignity or the physical and mental integrity of partners. It is humiliation, to make him feel guilty, until he lost all self-esteem. A single word or a gesture can may be right, but we have to look at the whole behavior especially in the home.
Ladys I hope it's really a Holy Christmas, which will bring peace and equality with men, that still does not want to accept that "you" have the eighth gear .... While I am to "5". Best wishes and be really strong.
Vincenzo Calafiore

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